N’ICE, a new help for Mixology bars


Professional equipment for Mixology Bar

Mixology is a trending term in contemporary bar vocabulary, but what does it mean?

Put simply, mixology describes an in-depth and particular approach to mixing cocktails. Mixologists are considered bar chemists as they experiment and create unique and innovative cocktails to wow their guests.

The practice of mixology requires the use of different types of technologies and techniques that are changing the bartending landscape, with ever new tools that can be used: rotary evaporator, centrifuge, ultrasonic homogenizer, dehydrator etc.

All these and other tools are joined by the glass chiller which with its characteristics is like the icing on the cake of a good cocktail.

Proportions, temperatures and balances

These are the fundamental components that a good Mixologist pursues in the preparation of his cocktails.

The peculiarity is the technique with which the ingredients are poured into the special cocktail bottles. They mix them with ever more daring almost acrobatic movements, transforming the preparation of what, in the end, must always be a quality cocktail into real entertainment.

Also in this respect the N'ICE glass chillers play a fundamental role: their use is in fact a small show in itself as the cloud of cold air that comes out of the machine and enters the cavity of the glass creates the so-called "wow" effect. .

We can say that the preparation of a good cocktail begins with the preparation of the glass that will contain the drink. The 3 N'ICE models have been developed with the support of professionals and specialists from the world of Mixology and Horeca and are designed to be used easily and quickly with one hand, thanks to the pressure activation system that reduces time without lowering the quality.

N'ICE: the 3 models of professional glass chiller

(If you want to reserve your N’ICE glass ice cream, do not hesitate to contact us HERE)

The N'ICE models are made of stainless steel, designed to last over time and produced in Italy with cutting-edge technology and material of the highest value and represent the ideal tool for all Moxology Bars that want to serve their customers with quality machinery. certified: they are designed to work for many hours without interruptions, slowdowns or drops in operation, they are extremely quiet and are CE and NSF certified (which certifies the quality and suitability of the materials and ease of cleaning / sanitation).

The N'ICE glass chillers lower the temperature of any glass from 19 ° C to -40 ° C in just 10 seconds, maintaining a temperature below 0 ° C for about 10 minutes.

They thus allow Mixologists and Barman to avoid putting cocktail glasses in the freezers or inserting ice in them, with the consequence of watering down the drink or increasing the serving time behind the counter.

In addition, thanks to the thermal shock produced by CO2, N'ICE eliminates the bacteria present on the surface of the glasses, which risk polluting cocktails and guarantees absolutely healthy drinks free of bad odors or microbiotic loads.

The N’ICE glass chillers at the service of Mixology Bars


Cristian Montà

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Complete sanitization of glasses with N’ICE glass chillers