Battery-operated glass chiller for Catering services


Battery-powered glass chillers for Catering

For the success of an event, the Catering service represents one of the fundamental values.

A quality catering service is one capable of:

  • ensure maximum professionalism

  • satisfy every customer request

  • complete the Event without problems or problems

Then there is an extra plus: offering guests a complete, pleasant and surprising experience.

For this reason it is important that the Catering service has the right equipment to transform a simple Event into an unforgettable moment.

This will not only allow you to do your job flawlessly, but also to multiply your contacts.

N'ICE revolutionizes the world of Catering

We have developed a professional glass chiller dedicated to Catering services.

It's called N'ICE BATTERY and it was developed to work on batteries, without the need for electricity, becoming a compact professional tool with a lot of autonomy, ideal for catering services.


N'ICE BATTERY provides an effective solution by creating a magical atmosphere and gas (CO²) ices any type of goblet: cocktail glasses, long drink glasses, sparkling glasses, wine glasses, etc.

Allows you to:

  • lower the temperature of any glass from 19 °C to -40°C in just 10 seconds

  • maintain a temperature below 0°C for about 10 minutes

Furthermore, it eliminates the bacteria present on the surface of the glasses which risk polluting cocktails, wines, beers and drinks. It does it in a few seconds, thanks to the thermal shock produced by the CO2, guaranteeing absolutely healthy drinks free from bad smells or microbial charges.

Since it has no motors or compressors, N'ICE BATTERY is extremely silent: it emits a very slight sound during use, making it perfect even in the most intimate and elegant environments.

N'ICE BATTERY sets new quality standards in the Catering sector

N'ICE BATTERY for Catering is designed in steel and plastic with an elegant and modern line.

It has a power of 16 Watts and a weight of 3.5 kg and is extremely compact: 260 (d) mm x 315 (h) mm.

Furthermore, it is built according to the 2006/42/EC directive for food use and is CE certified.

In addition to being available in different versions and colors, on request it is possible to brand N'ICE BATTERY with the logo/graphic of your choice.

Its use improves the tasting of drinks served during the Catering service, with a level of excellence never seen before.

The catering who have purchased N'ICE BATTERY confirm that its use increases sales and customer loyalty.

The N'ICE glass chiller at the service of Catering


Cristian Montà

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-80% microbial load with N'ICE glass coolers


Glass chiller developed for barmen and bartenders